With God's glory and grace: Franchesca makes music

Meet Franchesca, a stay-at-home mom and singer-songwriter who has dedicated her life to God. Learn more about her journey with Christ, how she stays motivated, and what she hopes to achieve with her music in our interview.

Thanks for sharing your story with us. Can you tell us where you draw inspiration from?

I draw inspiration from everyday life, my walk with God, past and current experiences as well as situations that no one has made a song about yet. For example, my song called “Where I Am”, touches on honest, intimate, and painful moments in my life — my valleys — and others that are more blissful — my mountaintops. I believe these moments should be shared so that others in the valleys know they are not alone and that their mountaintops are coming. I also use my music to help me through major things going on in my life. Writing my song “I Am Loved” — a popular track from my second album — helped me through my postpartum depression.

What do you do in your personal life to help you stay motivated in your professional life?

I often take breaks from my professional life to be able to thrive in my personal life. There are seasons in my life where I’m not writing anything, I’m just breathing and trusting the Lord. This time is taken to give myself the opportunity to hear from God and to be more self-aware and in tune with myself and my thoughts. To take a step back from the noise and to be more present. To evaluate what I’ve created thus far and see how it’s impacted people. To ask myself the question, “Is there something new that the Lord wants to do with me right now?” The answer to this question then pours into my songwriting, and it’s always refreshing when it happens. It helps me stay motivated because I’m not always “trying” to write. The process becomes more like a labor and birth story — something that happens naturally. This leaves me assured that it’s not just from my own strength or talent, but that it’s a precious gift from the Lord.

Please tell us more about what you are currently focused on and what you’re most proud of.

Currently, I’m focused on serving my family, the Lord, and my home life. I'm focused on scaling back from things that don’t matter — whatever that may look like. Sometimes this world can get so busy that the seemingly mundane things get trampled on our way to the more “glamorous” endeavors. So currently I’m focused on getting closer to the Lord, especially nearing His return. Serving my family from a place of being present and enjoying the pillow talk with my husband and bedtime cuddles with my little one. 

I’m most proud of being a good mother — being a good, present mother. If you know my story, then you know my background in this area of motherhood *cue my song “Trust Issues”. It’s one of my greatest joys to create moments in my son’s life that he will remember with joy instead of trauma. I’m most proud of attempting to raise him in a way that’s pleasing to the Father. My hope is that one day, my children will rise and call me blessed, just like in [the book of] Proverbs. I want them to look back on their life and know that their mother led them closer to Jesus. 

If you had to go back in time and start over, would you have done anything differently?

I honestly don’t believe I would. Everything I’ve been through, everything I’ve endured — mistakes and all — has prepared me to be the woman God has called me to be. I’m secure in that. I’ve learned so much through the things that worked out and the things that didn’t. I look back at terrible times in my life and I can see the Lord in the lining beckoning me to Him. I can see Him in the best parts when I was far away from Him; in His mercy He didn’t leave me, He restored me. My story and my testimony is written by the Author and Finisher of my faith, which allows me to know that He’s been in control and still is. If He wouldn’t change a thing, neither would I. 

What can we expect from you next?

More new music, specifically singles. I know I’ve been pretty heavy in dropping projects, which I love, but, we wanna switch things up a bit. The latest single we dropped was called “Calm My Waves” in August. It’s a bop. I absolutely love that one. Up next, I have some intimate pieces that will share an even deeper look at who I’ve been and who I am today, all because of The Lord Jesus Christ. I’m excited to be able to roll these out for you guys!

You can keep up with Franchesca on Instagram @franchescamakesmusic and check out some of her songs and music videos on her Channel on You42.

Jessa B