Remaining grounded and the healing journey: Chinya Ani

Chinya Ani is a bright and well-rounded achiever with seasoned experience in Entertainment Logistics, the Beauty Industry, and Hospitality. She currently hosts a podcast called “Lotus Tea Talks” that focuses on healing and community advancement. She also recently established an online coaching program called “Femininity Empowerment Formula.” Learn more about Chinya, her entrepreneurship, spirituality, and philanthropy in our interview.

Can you give us some details about you and your background? How did you get started?

I was born in Atlanta, Georgia to a Muslim American mother and Nigerian father. My upbringing was the furthest thing from traditional. We traveled extensively within the United States and around the world, having lived in West Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. These experiences have strengthened my ability to communicate and connect with various people from diverse backgrounds. I learned at an early age the power of manifestation and the rewards of hard work and dedication.

I went to a Performing Arts high school and trained as a technical dancer for many years. I graduated from Savannah State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Global Logistics and International Business. In college, I worked as a bartender, I reigned as Miss Black — a campus queen — and started my own business organization called VIVE, a promotion and modeling agency. We booked artists including Lil Baby, Gunna, and Nudy for club appearances, promoted the events, and split the door profits with club owners. That’s what led me into entertainment logistics.

Please tell us more about your work.

I currently work as the executive assistant to Lil Durk’s manager Ola Ali, who is also the CEO of the music label OTF. Previously, I worked in nightlife promotions and marketing and started several businesses including a mobile bartending service called CHIBAR, and Golden Hour, a jewelry line. I have an extensive background in multi-faceted business operations, hospitality, and event marketing and promotions. I also have experience in a multitude of creative spaces, such as performing arts, film/video writing, directing, producing, and social media curation.

What are you currently focused on? Most proud of so far?

I’m currently focused on relearning myself on a deeper level, remaining grounded, and building positive systems in my life. I’m most proud of my healing journey and my spiritual growth. After back-to-back traumatic relationships and experiencing anxiety and depression, I’ve truly come a long way holistically.

Is there anyone, from the past or present, you wish you could work with? Or have you already worked with that person?

I’ve worked with Akon in the past and it was a dream come true. With us both being first generation African Americans in entertainment, we share a responsibility to give back to our native countries. It was inspiring to watch the work and vision Akon has for Africa.

As far as who I wish I could work with, it’s definitely 50 Cent. I love the way he expresses his creativity authentically, uplifts other black creators, and still remains a businessman. I think we would create magic together in a plethora of creative spaces.

What do you picture when you hear the word “success”?

When I hear the word “success,” I picture peace — peace of mind and peace with self. A free and healthy body and mind is true success. There are so many who are financially successful, yet are suffering silently. As I continue to grow and evolve, I strive to remain grounded and at peace with myself at every stage in my life.

If you had to go back in time and start over, would you have done anything differently?

If I could go back in time, I would have believed in myself more. Too often, I chose what I thought I should do instead of what my heart and spirit desired. If I could do it over, I wouldn’t have functioned from a place of fear at all.

What’s next for Chinya Ani?

I want to further my philanthropy and continue to give back to my community in impactful ways. I’m looking forward to documenting my journey back to Africa, creating visuals, and continuing to tell the stories of those who have been systematically silenced.

Follow Chinya Ani on Instagram @chinyaani for more. And be sure to check out her Channel on You42.

Jessa B