Turning pain into perseverance: mzjazebell

mzjazebell started off singing in a group called “Dey 2”, a popular group from Ohio known for the song “So Fresh”. After the death of her twin sister, mzjazebell went independent and created a new sound for herself, combining rapping and singing. In her music, she discusses the dynamics of being a woman, dealing with the causalities of life, and the importance of never giving up. Her goal is to be a mogul for women everywhere as a voice of strength and perseverance. mzjazebell’s story is just getting started. Learn more about her journey in our interview.

Thanks for sharing your story with us. Let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.

I first fell in love with music at the age of five; everything about it made me feel alive. This is when I realized I could sing. I was wearing my daddy’s boots, singing along to every lyric of TLC’s “Waterfalls” like it was my own song. The music allowed me to escape reality. I remember going to the library to get different CDs and studying all the great singers like Mariah Carey, Beyoncé, and Monica — just to name a few. That’s where I learned versatility. In every session, I acquired something new with each artist. I did the same thing with learning to rap. My goal was to learn everything I could and be a sponge for music.

Are there any struggles you’ve faced along the way? If so, what did you do to stay motivated?

I lost a lot along the way — my sister, my mother, and my son's father. I was at a point in my life where I was so broken that I had no other option but to get up and keep going. I found myself running away from pain and hurt. Before, I said all of this happened to me for no reason. However, I grew to learn that I was chosen for a greater purpose. Music is what drives me when I’m at my lowest. It's what makes me feel better when my heart is heavy. I just want to share my pain to let the next person know that faith will get you through as long as you keep believing.

Please tell us more about what you are currently focused on and what you’re most proud of.

My latest release, “Lost One Remix”, is truly one of my favorites. It shows my vulnerability in being able to pour my emotions out on a track. My goal is to make timeless music that holds substance. Currently, I’m working on a project called “Reflection” — looking at myself, identifying all the emotional traumas, and understanding that these things are what made me who I am. I just want to motivate women all around the world to love themselves first.

Is there anyone, from the past or present, you wish you could work with?

Beyoncé, Drake, Alicia Keys, Cardi B, and Megan Thee Stallion. I love these artists and think they are truly talented. I’m super interested in making music that stands the test of time and these artists are perfect at doing exactly that.

What’s the most important piece of advice you would give to someone just starting their career in music?

Be you, be bold, and don’t compete with anybody but yourself. Don’t allow the industry’s waves to affect your creative process — just be the best version of you. Pop your shit the loudest and make the doubters into believers, just like Jesus. This is your journey. This is your path. You have the power to manifest greatness and believe in yourself. Nothing in life is easy. Remember that giving up is not an option.

What can we expect from you next?

I’m really looking forward to being more engaged in content creation with videos and vlogs to show people my personality and my day-to-day experiences. I have more passions than just music. I also love to cook and do make-up. I intend on sharing all of that very soon. And my EP “Reflection” should be dropping sometime in late November so keep an eye out for that.

Listen to more from mzjazebell on her You42 Channel. And be sure to follow her on Instagram @mzjazebell for more updates and release dates for new music.

Jessa B